The latinequip logo is green and gray on a white background

Together, we can make an outstanding difference in Latin America!

Empowering Pastors. Transforming Communities for Christ.

Latin Equip develops projects for pastors and church leaders throughout Latin America, including leadership training, translation and distribution of books, and production of video materials.


Latin Equip also conducts conferences for Christian business leaders, builds churches, and sponsors feedings programs in various locations around the region. 

A green cross is on a white background.


Latin Equip meets pastors where they are at, spiritually, economically, and socially, helping them deal with issues they are facing as individuals so they can minister from a healthy place and make a bigger impact in the communities they serve.

  • One-on-One Mentoring

    We meet with individual pastors to assist and assess any situation they are facing in their church, helping them cast vision and set the direction of their ministry.

  • Online and In-Person Counseling

    We meet with pastors or pastoral couples to help them walk through personal challenges that church leaders cannot share with church members or others in their organization.

  • Roundtables

    An invited pastor shares a message of hope and challenge with 10-15 pastoral couples from a given region or city. Participants list their greatest challenges and choose several to address as a group, allowing everyone to come away with real-life solutions to issues they are facing and build lasting friendships that benefit the community.

Help make healthy pastors who in turn make healthy churches.

A green cross is on a white background.


Latin Equip ministers to families and communities struggling with poverty and shares with them the hope that they can find in Christ.

  1. Building Churches
  2. Feeding Program
  3. Book Distribution
  4. Video Production

Make God’s love tangible for families and communities in Latin America.

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